New Year, New Us

New Year, New Us

Released: 2019
Genre: Drama

"New Year, New Us" is a series following the life and love of newlyweds Bakari and Imani King. Bakari, a record executive on the rise, is laser focused on his career while his wife Imani, a clothing designer who gave up her business for Bakari, is pressuring him to start a family. As they learn and grow in their marriage, they began to realize there is nothing more important in love than compromise. Written/Directed/Produced by Nina Stakz. Starring Kellen Marcus as Bakari and Erika Ward as Imani.

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New Year, New Us
2023-07-25 12:11:30
Kellen Marcus, Erika Ward, Courtney Gray, Amber Reign Smith, Tera Chantelle
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