Living Out Loud
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Living Out Loud

Released: 1998

Judith Nelson quit her medical studies to marry. Years later, her husband, a physician, divorces her to be with another doctor. Deeply frustrated, she now lives alone in her luxury apartment in New York, looking for a new meaning for her life. Pat Francato, the janitor and lift-boy, has a troubled life himself: Gambling debts and the tragic death of his daughter took away all his spirit. One day, he and Judith meet in the right mood and a fragile friendship starts to grow. They can help each other to get on their feet again. But one false move could destroy everything they built so carefully.—Julian Reischl

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Living Out Loud
2023-11-10 11:45:36
Holly Hunter, Danny DeVito, Queen Latifah, Martin Donovan, Richard Schiff
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